We have over 1500 works in our permanent collection, which focuses on contemporary Canadian artists. Some of our most notable pieces are works by Nelly Beveridge Gray. We’re proud to feature her watercolours and rubbings of historic reliefs in Mesoamerica, Europe, and Asia.
Many works from our collection are displayed throughout the campus, including commissioned works by John Greer and Mathew Reichertz. We also show works by a variety of artists associated with the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University (NSCAD), including Gerald Ferguson, Mitchell Wiebe, and Lucy Pullen.
Please email Pam Corell with any questions or concerns about Permanent Collection Works on Campus
Mystery Man
Dr. Richard Homburg donated 81 paintings to Saint Mary's University. One of which is this untitled, unsigned work.
We are trying to find out more about the subject and painter. Can you help?
Please contact us at gallery@smu.ca